The Chris Gardner Foundation is committed to ensuring the vision: that everyone has Permission to Dream. Through our Back-2-School program, Chris speaks to our country’s next generation of leaders about how to set and obtain life goals. Chris shares personal life and financial lessons via personal speaking engagements and ongoing virtual support.
“Many students lives were changed today by listening to you speak - and I cannot thank you enough for this incredible opportunity.”
The Back 2 High School Permission 2 Dream Tour opens up a world of opportunity for corporate partners looking to reach and impact today’s Generation Z and tomorrows workforce of employees, entrepreneurs, and leaders.
**Opportunity to engage with over 100,000 students, ages 13-18, and share messages, products, or job/training opportunities.
**Exposure in press release, website and email subscribers reaching hundreds of thousands.
**Local media coverage in major media markets.
**Creative approval of logo usage on collateral and on-site signage.
**Opportunity to collaborate on in-classroom training materials.
**Category exclusivity available.